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How To Treat Your Child's ADHD Without Medication

ADHD is a condition that can affect children and adults. This disorder is often characterized by a poor attention span, hyperactivity, and difficulty paying attention in class. Medications that contain stimulants are often prescribed to help people with ADHD focus. However, some patients cannot tolerate the side effects of these drugs. Additionally, some parents prefer to treat their kids' ADHD without the use of medication. Here are four forms of children's medication-free ADHD treatment:

1. Help your child get a better night's sleep.

Kids with ADHD may seem like they have too much energy, especially if their ADHD comes with hyperactivity. However, a lack of sleep can actually exacerbate the symptoms of this condition. Kids who don't get enough sleep may struggle to focus on tasks that require concentration. Helping your child get a better night's sleep each night may help them manage their ADHD. Consistent bedtimes and good sleep hygiene, such as not using phones in bed, can help kids get enough rest at night.

2. Encourage your child to meditate.

Meditation may sound uninteresting to most kids. However, it may be helpful for those suffering from ADHD. That's because the effects of stress can worsen the lack of focus that comes with ADHD. Meditation is an effective way to manage stress through mindfulness and deep breathing. Meditating with your child can teach them a simple way to relax whenever they feel themselves getting anxious or upset. Regular meditation may help kids control their ADHD symptoms over time.

3. Train your child's focus with rhythm activities.

Focus is a skill that can be trained over time, even in people with ADHD. Encouraging your child to clap or tap their foot along to a beat can help them focus their mind on a single thing. Over time, this exercise can help your child build the mental muscles they need to concentrate on other things, such as schoolwork and reading.

4. Use gentle parenting to reward your child for focusing.

Parenting a child with ADHD can be tough. However, getting frustrated with your child for something they can't control is unlikely to help you get the results you seek. Parents can treat their kids' ADHD by learning gentle, positive parenting techniques. Using a clearly defined system based on rewards can help you encourage desired behaviors in your child. Rewarding your child with privileges and praise for completing their homework or being non-disruptive in class can help your child flourish despite their ADHD.